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Benefits of Hiring a Cleaning Service
Let's face it, in today's modern age we have busy schedules. Finding the time and energy to do all the things that need to be done can be consuming and exhausting.
It has become increasingly more important to find ways to be efficient and to increase productivity in our professional and personal lives so that we have more time for the things that matter to us like family, friends and recharging our internal batteries for the next round.
We hire attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors so that matters needing special training and expert attention are well cared for.
We use smartphones and apps for scheduling, routing, reminders and many other tasks.
We use handymen, lawn care, pest control, and even dog walkers and babysitters so we can accomplish all that is placed on our plate.
When all is said and done to the best of your abilities, you kick back for a little R&R and family time. That's when you notice the dust that seems to magically accumulate in seemingly short order.
The household chores that have been waiting in the wings for your attention flood in and you begin to find it hard to relax.
That's when the pleasure of having a cleaning service care for your home comes to mind.
Having a professional maid service has many benefits.
Not only do we free up your time for the more important aspects of your life, but it sure is nice coming home to a sparkling and freshly cleaned house.
No more thoughts and feelings of guilt nagging at you for putting off what needs to be done and attempting to put a damper on the quality time you so richly deserve.
You free yourself to be more focused on and enjoy more of, what's in front of you.
Domestically Inclined offers more than just standard cleaning services.
Our clients customize their service to fit their needs and budgets.
Whether you need weekly, bi-weekly or even monthly or occasional service, Domestically inclined works with you to assure that what is most important to you is accomplished to the highest standards.
We even have a daily housekeeping service that gives you the luxury to have a drop-it-and-forget-it attitude. Your housekeeper will come in each day to make beds, straighten-up, do your dishes, wash, dry, fold, hang and put away your clothes and any other chores you may wish to have completed.
You arrive home each workday to a neat and tidy environment.
Because our services are customized to fit what serves you best, they provide greater value than our competitor's standard services.
Domestically Inclined is a full-service cleaning company.
This means we provide a complete line of cleaning services from maid and housekeeping, pressure cleaning, garage and shed cleaning and organizing, window washing and even auto and boat detailing.
No more need to have different providers for all of these services. We take care of all this and more for you. This means fewer people from many companies coming to your home and fewer appointments ringing your doorbell.
Domestically Inclined does it all for you, giving you more reliability and greater peace of mind.
So contact us today and let Domestically Inclined care for all your domestic needs.
We look forward to serving you.
Home is a place where we should all feel safe, comfortable and at peace.
Many of us go to great lengths to keep the dangers and distractions of the world at bay. We lock our doors, put up fences and gates and install security systems to help keep our families safe from external threats.
We vet those invited into our home to perform professional services. Some even vet potential mates with background and credit checks.
In today's connected world, media outlets make vast fortunes making sure we are well informed of the misfortunes, disasters, and violence that occurs all around us regularly.
What is not widely reported is that many of the greatest dangers posed to us are by threats we unwittingly invite into our lives and homes through the products we purchase and consume.
It is not in the best interests of media companies to produce and distribute reports that reflect negatively on the products their advertisers manufacture.
Public perception is easily influenced by news reports and advertising. Erring on the side of caution has become the standard for those that may place themselves in a libelous position by even suggesting that a product might be less than perfectly safe.
In fact, unless a product has caused wide-spread illness or death and a recall is issued or lawsuits get filed there is a good chance that business, as usual, will continue unabated.
Many of the products we consume and surround ourselves with today threaten our health and well-being unbeknownst to us.
It can be difficult and time-consuming to attempt to research, locate and purchase items from companies that have our welfare and that of our environment as a top priority in their business model.
Time is a valuable commodity and one that always seems to be in short supply. Selecting the right products takes research. If advertising is relied upon to make purchasing decisions then the age-old Latin phrase caveat emptor must be remembered.
Most consumers rely on the good-will of companies whose ethics may or may not be up to the task of producing a product that is absolutely and unquestionably safe.
Too many times this ends badly for consumers.
Unfortunately, examples of illness and death due to unsafe products have become all too common.
Sometimes it is more profitable for a company to produce and sell a product that it knows creates a public safety or health issue and deal with the financial repercussions after having reaped great financial benefits from that product.
We see the civil action suits filed regularly.
Personal Injury attorneys benefit from this type of business model as they attempt to relieve the burden of those harmed by unethical business practices.
However, this does not seem to reduce the number of hazardous products available on store shelves.
Limiting the possible dangers of products that we could unknowingly and innocently bring into our home just makes good sense. It stands to reason that we should attempt to limit those possibilities.
Increasing the quality of the air we breathe in our home is as simple as limiting the use of products within our home that contain potentially dangerous chemical compounds. Many of these products decrease the quality of our environment.
By using cleaning products that are made with, and contain natural plant-based ingredients, not only do we affect the living environment within our homes but the environment in general.
The processes used to manufacture these products and the ingredients they contain can be harmful to the environment.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) attempts to limit those potentially harmful processes with regulations and policies, but more can and should be done.
It is important to note that when we use those cleaners there is always the potential for a certain percentage of the product being washed away and impacting our aquifers.
Using cleaners made with natural plant-based agents has many benefits:
The manufacturing process of these products is easier on the environment
The ingredients used are natural to our environment and not man-made chemical compounds
By purchasing or using services that utilize plant-based cleaning products we steer our purchasing power to companies that care more for our environment. This has a powerful effect on the economics that support the environment
We increase the quality of the environment in which our families dwell
We reduce the possibility of accidental and potentially harmful ingestion or exposure
By using and taking advantage of all of the benefits related to natural cleaning products, we are making an economic, political and moral statement about how much we care for our families, their future and the environment in which we live today and in the future.
Links to important information related to this article:'
Statistics Related to Health in Murfreesboro, Tennessee​
Cleveland Clinic article: Household Chemical Products and Their Health Risk
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Injury Statistics
Pediatric Poisoning Fatalities from 1972 Through 2016
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